Located on the Second Floor of Joie de Vivre Spa, Yellowknife, NT

Unit 103 - 487 Range Lake Road, Yellowknife, NT (Physical Located on the Second Floor of Joie de Vivre Spa, Yellowknife, NT address)  (Next door to the Discovery Mine Services)

Mailing Address:

Unit 103 - 487 Range Lake Road, Yellowknife, NT, X1A 3R9

Tel: 1-867-873-4881   Fax: 1-800-557-9887

Email: rlwiclinic@outlook.com

New:  Updated Sept 10, 2024

Now you could book ONLINE!

After 4:00 pm please call

867-873-4881 to book

Book Same Day Appointmnet 

Online Booking Must Know

The online booking schedule will be available the night before.

Online booking is not available for the future date other than the next day (Same Day appointment).

DO NOT book under your name if you are not the one seeing the doctor. We must prepare the visit/chart using the right person’s name.

Please use the current cell phone number and email (for us to inform you in the event the clinic is cancelled)

If you have two or more no-shows (or cancel less than two hours before your scheduled appointments) for the online booking, we respectfully request you do not book online again to allow other people to book. Your future online booking will be removed by default. You could walk-in and wait your turn.